Rocket League Game Jargon: Essential Terms and Tips

Rocket League Game Jargon: Essential Terms and Tips

Adam McGowan
10 min read | 28 Apr 2022

This essential guide to Rocket League jargon takes an in-depth look at some of the most common terms you’ll hear when playing the game or watching a stream. 

What is Rocket League?

One of the worlds most popular esports games, Rocket League, is a fast-paced, action packed competitive game that combines football with rocket-powered cars. 

Featuring an abundance of aerial stunts, tactical teamwork, and intense gameplay, Rocket League offers a unique blend of action and strategy.

Key Rocket League Terms Every Player Should Know

Featuring an abundance of terms and slang that players frequently use, Rocket League jargon can seem overwhelming at times. Use this go-to guide for decoding the most common terms and mastering the basics. 


When a player jumps up in the air and uses a boost to hit the ball whilst airborne. 

Back wall

Sometimes referred to as the ‘backboard’, the back wall is the space around the goal. 


A speed increase when you hold down a specific button. You can have a maximum of 100 boost, and the number goes down as you use it. There are pads located around each arena where you can drive over them and collect more boost. 

Ceiling shot

Where a player drives up the walls to the ceiling and jumps or falls off in order to take a shot.


The top of the goal.


When a player boosts into an opponent at full speed, and causes that person’s car to blow up. This triggers a 3-second respawn for the player who received the demolition. It can also be referred to as a ‘demo’. 


Players can jump twice in Rocket League by pressing the ‘jump’ button consecutively. The second jump will only work if the button is pressed within 1.5 seconds after the first jump. 


When one player pretends to be going for a shot, but veers away at the last minute to throw off the enemy. This can be done anytime, but it is mostly done at kickoff, or when trying to score.


When you jump and move strategically in a different direction. Doing this well can give you an advantage, as you can ‘flick’ the ball across the arena and change directions to keep your enemy on their toes. 

Goal line

The visible line on the floor that sets out the goal limits. Goals will only count if the ball passes the goal line area. 


When a player flips, and cancels it halfway through to land in the opposite direction.


Where all players are in a set position on either side of the map in order for both teams to go for the ball in the centre. Kickoff happens at the start of every game, after each goal, and at the beginning of overtime.

Low/no boost

A callout given when either you or a teammate is running low on boost. Saying this to the team allows for them to give you more access to boost pads, and regain it back.


If the match is a tie at the end of the five minute match, the game will go into overtime. In this period, the first team to score a goal in overtime wins the match.


When a player pinches the ball between their own car, other players, or the wall to make the ball increase in speed in one direction. This is an effective way to score goal.

Zero-second rule

Even though the clock might have run down to 0:00, as long as the ball is in the air, the game will continue. Keeping the ball in the air allows for some clutch goals at the last minute, and it is important you try and keep it up in the air.

Advanced Rocket League Skills and Strategies

For more experienced players, mastering advanced techniques can be an absolute game-changer. 

These terms represent some of the highest skill levels in Rocket League:

Air Dribble

An air dribble goes beyond a simple aerial. It involves a player keeping control of the ball while it’s in the air by tapping it repeatedly, almost “dribbling” it like in basketball but using their car’s hitbox. It’s an impressive way to maintain possession and break past defenses.

Example: A player takes the ball into the air from the wall, keeping it close to their car while carrying it towards the opponent’s goal.


A double-tap refers to hitting the ball twice in succession, usually by bouncing it off the backboard or wall and then following up with a quick second hit to score. This move requires precision and timing, often leaving defenders unable to react in time.

Example: After launching the ball towards the goal, the player flies up to intercept the rebound from the backboard and scores with a second hit.


A flip-reset is a complex maneuver where a player regains their ability to flip while in the air by touching all four wheels of their car to the ball or the surface of the arena. This allows for a second flip to be used, often surprising defenders and leading to advanced plays.

Example: A player uses a flip-reset off the ceiling to maintain control of the ball and create a powerful shot on goal.

This is only a few of the many terms that you might encounter when playing Rocket League, so go out there and get those wins.

Is there another game you would like a guide for? Hit us up on our socials and let us know. 

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