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British Former Olympic Swimmer Leads Line-Up Of Speakers At Be The Change: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Summit 2024 As Early Bird Tickets Go On Sale

Be the Change Summit 2024 Speaker Line-Up: Robin Gray, Shoubna Naika-Taylor, Bryony-Hope Green, Sara Heritage, Hekla Goodman Parker, Donavan Hutchinson, Alice Dearing, Lauren Kaye - Press Release Banner with Headshots

British Former Olympic Swimmer Leads Line-Up Of Speakers At Be The Change: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Summit 2024 As Early Bird Tickets Go On Sale

Mimi Craig
10 min read | 29 Aug 2024

Alice Dearing Will Be Joined by Other Names From Sports, Esports and the Games Industry; Book Your Place at the Event and See the Full Agenda Below

Sunderland, Thursday 29 August 2024 – British Esports, the national body for esports in the United Kingdom, has announced the first wave of speakers and tickets for the 2024 Be The Change: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Summit, Powered By Women in Esports.

Limited early bird tickets are now on sale for the event, which will take place at City Hall, Sunderland, on Thursday November 21st 2024 from 9.30am to 5pm.

British former Olympic Swimmer Alice Dearing will kick off proceedings with an opening keynote and Q&A, discussing her journey as the first black woman to swim for Team GB in the Olympic Games, and the barriers which communities and individuals can face when entering spaces which have not traditionally catered for them. 

Alice will also discuss the power of esports and gaming to help more people discover their competitive spirit. A host of other talks will inform, educate and spark engaging discussions.

The Be The Change Summit is being organised by Women in Esports, the equity, diversity and inclusivity initiative of national body British Esports. It follows the inaugural Be The Change Summit, which was broadcast online last November, bringing together key stakeholders from the esports and games industries and beyond, including education, technology, sports and more, to discuss various equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) topics. The full online Be The Change Summit 2023 content and panels can be watched on YouTube, while the 2024 event will take place in-person.

As well as the content track, the Summit also offers networking opportunities. The main chamber has capacity for 300 people, with optional interactive workshops (to be announced at a later date) and breakout rooms also at the venue. Food and beverages will also be provided on the day.

Alice Dearing, former British Olympic Swimmer, said: “I am honoured and excited to be opening the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Summit in Sunderland this November. Gaming and esports has always been a part of my life and helping to further the message of inclusion within this industry is something I am very passionate about. 

“I am excited to see the rest of the programme for what I am sure will be an inspiring and thought-provoking event.”

Another speaker, Bryony-Hope Green, Social Media and Content Manager at the College of Esports, added: “I am incredibly excited to be part of this event, and highlight the importance of inclusion and diversity within the ever-growing esports ecosystem. 

“Alongside the College of Esports, I have been able to work to put our institution at the forefront of inclusivity, and I am excited to share the stage with others in the education sector to promote positive change.”

Lauren Kaye, Program Coordinator at Limit Break Mentorship, commented: “I’ve been playing MOBAs for the last decade and know first hand how beneficial it is to have esports in my life, but also how challenging it can be to stay in it when people choose to discriminate against us. I’m so honoured to be a part of this incredible Be The Change Summit with Women in Esports as I feel we all deserve safe spaces to play and compete.”

First Speakers and Workshop Announced for Be The Change: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Summit 2024

  • Alice Dearing, British former Olympic Swimmer (she/her)
  • Bryony-Hope Green, Social Media and Content Manager, College of Esports (she/her)
  • Donavan Hutchinson, CEO & Founder, D&A Services International Ltd (he/him)
  • Gil Hamilton, Esports Lecturer and Head Esports Academy Coach, SGS College (she/her)
  • Hekla Goodman Parker, Head of Delivery for Tech Startups, Sunderland Software City (she/her)
  • Lauren Kaye, Program Coordinator, Limit Break Mentorship (she/her)
  • Meredith Brady, Previous Head of Esports, University of Sunderland Student (she/her)
  • Mikayla Sinead, Immersive Studio Manager, BOM (she/her)
  • Robin Gray, Founder, Gayming Magazine (he/him)
  • Sara Heritage, Creative, Ear to the Ground (she/her)
  • Shoubna Naika-Taylor, Lecturer of Esports, North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College (she/her)
  • Zafer Bahriyeli, Lead IT Technician/Esports Coach, Benenden Girls School (he/him)

Tech She Can will also be hosting a workshop on the day. Tech She Can is a charity committed to changing the ratio of women in technology and providing free learning resources to inspire children about a career in the sector.

Other speakers and workshops will be announced in the lead-up to the event.

Agenda: Be The Change Summit 2024

The theme of the event is ‘Educating’. This is reflected throughout the agenda, with the idea to tackle underrepresentation by educating around the topic of equity, diversity and inclusivity (EDI) in esports.

  • 9am – Doors open
  • 9.30am – Redefining Boundaries and Breaking Barriers (keynote by Alice Dearing)
  • 9.50am – Cultivating Inclusive Learning Environments (panel)
  • 10.30am – Refreshment/networking break
  • 10.40am – Equitable Access to Education (panel)
  • 11.20am – Student-Led Initiatives for Inclusion (panel)
  • 12pm – Lunch break
  • 1pm – Modern World: The Role AI is Having in our Society (keynote)
  • 1.20pm – EDI in Tech and Innovation (panel)
  • 2pm – Refreshment/networking break
  • 2.10pm – The Power of Mentorship (panel)
  • 2.50pm – Roundtable (TBC)
  • 3.30pm – The Business Case for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (keynote)
  • 3.50pm – Speed Networking
  • 5pm – Close

Book your tickets for the 2024 Be The Change: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Summit, Powered by Women in Esports, here. For sponsorship, exhibiting and speaker enquiries please email Billie Purdie here

# # ENDS # # 


Mimi Craig | Marketing Manager | British Esports |

Billie Purdie | Project Development Lead | British Esports |

About British Esports 

Established in 2016, British Esports is the national body for esports in the UK.  As one of the world’s leading esports authorities, we are the recognised member of the Global Esports Federation for Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and founding member of the International Olympic Committee Esports and Gaming Liaison Group.  From nationwide amateur grassroots competition to cutting edge esports curriculum and national representation on the global stage, we’re dedicated to increasing levels of esports awareness, improving esports standards, and inspiring future esports talent.  For more information and all the latest news, visit or follow British Esports on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitch, YouTube, TikTok.

About Women in Esports

British Esports award winning  initiative strives to make esports a more diverse and inclusive space. Established in 2019 to promote diversity and inclusivity in esports, Women in Esports has delivered numerous events, dedicated tournaments, community activations and educational content to encourage more opportunities for women and marginalised to participate in esports. Since its inception, Women in Esports has experienced significant growth and earned award recognition for its work in prioritising diversity and inclusivity, as well as multiple award nominations for outstanding contributions to journalism and education in esports. For more information and all the latest news, visit or follow Women in Esports on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitch, YouTube, TikTok.

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